Wednesday 18 December 2013

DIY macaroni (pasta) angels

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I make pasta angels every year, and use it for packaging Christmas gifts or as a Christmas souvenir or just to decorate my home. They are pretty simple to make and very cute.

You will need:

1.       Farfalle for the wings

2.       Penne, rigatoni or similar for the body

3.       Modeling clay for the heads

4.       Gold or silver spray paint

5.       String for the loop

6.       Glue


Step 1. Take the clay and make little balls from it, adjust the size of the heads according to the macaroni size you are using for the bodies. It should look proportional. Set aside the heads to dry a little bit. If youe clay is dry or old just put it in a bowl of warm water and leave it there for a while, than take it out, wipe the excess water and it'll be as good as new.

Pasta angels DIY

Step 2. Glue the wings to the bodies. Depending on what glue you are using, you might need to hold the wing in place for a few seconds and then put it down. I used my hot glue gun, but several fell of, last year I used Superglue, it was much better.

Pasta angels DIY

Step 3. Glue the string to the top of the body, near the back of the head (where the head will be). Set aside to dry.

Step 4. Glue the heads to the bodies. From my experience, it’s better to glue the heads while they are still a little bit wet, because you can the shape them according to the shape of macaroni body.
                              Pasta angels DIY Pasta angels DIY

Step 5. Spray it with paint. I did half of mine with silver paint, the other hald with golden, but I must say, I like the golden ones more :)
Silver and gold pasta angels

You are done :)

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